Hey, I'm Jay

A bit about me:
- Currently in New York
- Regularly posting essays here
- Background in software & biomolecular engineering
- Ran a small, early-stage fund from 2017 to 2021. Went from $3M to $20M+ in assets.
- Extremely interested in AI, cybernetics, coordination, markets, dev bio, information theory, and how we can accelerate progress & freedom (and unseat institutions) around the world
- Currently running EverArt, a b2b SaaS platform that lets companies fine-tune image and video models on their brand imagery
Here are a few fun predictions:
- Bryan Johnson will revive the investability of longevity category in < 6 years
- Some experiment around a global UBI type project, like Worldcoin, will become the most important economic project in the world in < 8 years
- Web3 becomes a "real thing" somewhere between 2027-2032 (it took digital gold like 15 years to become a real thing, will take web3 a similar amount of time)
- Cryonics will have a major moment and start* going mainstream somewhere between 2028 - 2035
- Foundation models that specialize on time-series data prediction will have a moment in < 6 years
- Designer babies will quickly shift into the mainstream in < 5 years
- Prediction markets will become legal in the US in < 2 years and become a major asset class in < 8 years
- The first autonomous AI agent will earn $1M by itself in < 3 years
Angel Investing thesis
I'm updating my angel investing thesis into a broader, meta-thesis, but historically I've invested in crypto and bio. In bio, I've mostly invested in bold, early stage biotech companies that take technical risk and have the potential to radically change biological outcomes in categories like:
- DNA damage repair
- Organ, tissue, and full body replacement therapy
- Cellular (re)programming
- Gene therapy & genetic engineering
- Novel delivery mechanisms
- Cryonics
- Anything that helps us test interventions faster or more effectively
- Alternative ways to commercialize therapies besides FDA approval (charter cities, etc)
Why I invest in, and believe in, longevity
To me, figuring out the science behind aging is kind of an emergency. It's clear that age is the biggest risk factor in all major diseases (even more than smoking or obesity), and even just an extra year or two of healthspan would have profound effects on the economy, not to mention the other benefits. Not to be dramatic, but I think that solving aging is so important and high leverage that it calls for Manhattan Project levels of coordination - concentrated money, talent, effort.

Angel Investments:

  • Healthspan Capital (as an LP)

  • MiniCircle

  • SkyTx

  • Tomorrow Biostasis

  • Loki Therapeutics

  • Meliora Therapeutics

  • Zeden

  • Matter Bioworks

  • Deciduous Therapeutics

  • Reticula

  • StackUp

  • StockPerks

Reading List